上一篇说到,我们 debug 了 FcConfigSubstituteFcConfigReference,最后找到了 FcFileScanFontConfig,一番魔改后发现 <match target="scan"> 虽然应用了,但是没有影响最终 FontSet 中 “Noto Scan CJK SC” 的 charset。

我们这篇要继续 debug:

FcConfigSubstitute (config, font, FcMatchScan)

FcFileScanFontConfig 中的这段代码。


我们知道,上面的 font 是一个指针。要想前后输出有所变化,是一定要修改这个指针指向的数据的。也就是说,我们只需要去 FcConfigSubsitute里找修改指针指向数据的部分就可以了。所以我们只需要关注应用规则集时候的 case FcRuleEditcase FcOpAssign 的部分就好。

通过 if (value[object]) 这个判断我们找到了 test 跟 edit 的联系,原来是用 test 去找到要修改的部分:

/* different 'kind' won't be the target of edit */
if (!value[object] && kind == r->u.test->kind)
  value[object] = vl;

但是剩下的都是 FcConfigAddFcConfigDel 是修改 config 的,并不直接修改 Font。


case FcOpAssignReplace:
		 * Delete all of the values and insert
		 * the new set
		FcConfigPatternDel (p, r->u.edit->object, table);
		FcConfigPatternAdd (p, r->u.edit->object, l, FcTrue, table);
		 * Adjust a pointer into the value list as they no
		 * longer point to anything valid
		value[object] = NULL;

这家伙是修改 pattern 的啊!



  Mode                    With Match              Without Match
  "assign"                Replace matching value  Replace all values
  "assign_replace"        Replace all values      Replace all values
  "prepend"               Insert before matching  Insert at head of list
  "prepend_first"         Insert at head of list  Insert at head of list
  "append"                Append after matching   Append at end of list
  "append_last"           Append at end of list   Append at end of list
  "delete"                Delete matching value   Delete all values
  "delete_all"            Delete all values       Delete all values

看起来 assignassign_replace 没差。



<match target="scan">
  <test name="family"> 
    <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string>
  <edit name="charset" mode="assign_replace">


Noto Sans CJK SC
before match scan: Yes
charset count: 44810
after match scan: Yes
charset count: 44809



如果是 <match target="scan"> 这种需要调整 pattern 的,用 assign_replace,如果是只调整 config 就可以的,比如 <match target="pattern|font">,用 assign

另外,在 fontconfig 里,万物皆 pattern,不要被 <match target="pattern"> 迷惑了,实际上它代码中的 pattern:

struct _FcPattern {
int		    num;
int		    size;
intptr_t	    elts_offset;
FcRef	    ref;

就是指针的 struct。而对于 FcPatternElt 的注释也说了:

* Pattern elts are stuck in a structure connected to the pattern,
* so they get moved around when the pattern is resized. Hence, the
* values field must be a pointer/offset instead of just an offset

这是阅读源代码才得到的金科玉律啊!也就是说,别人说的,Firefox/Chromium 不支持调整 charset,是不对的,只是我们没会用 fontconfig,不要甩锅给 chromium 了!



<match target="scan">
  <test name="family"> 
    <string>Noto Sans CJK SC</string>
  <edit name="charset" mode="assign_replace">

只有一个 <charset></charset> block。多余的会被丢弃。

我的问题解决了。下一步就是修改我的代码去了,顺便给大家一个去掉系统上已安装字体中 emoji 字符的 c 文件吧。因为 fontconfig 关于 FcCharSet*相关方法的 Public 函数里没有 FcCharSetIterStartFcCharSetIterNext,没有办法 loop charset 里的 leaf 并打印。 也没有 FcNameUnparseCharSet,没有办法直接打印 charset。我是魔改了 fontconfig.hsrc/fcint.h写出来的,需要你重新编译 fontconfig。


int main(int argc, char **argv){
  FcFontSet* fs;
  FcPattern* pat;
  FcObjectSet* os;

  FcChar8* strpat = (FcChar8*)":lang=und-zsye";
  pat = FcNameParse(strpat);
  os = FcObjectSetBuild(FC_FAMILY, FC_CHARSET, FC_FILE, (char*)0);

  fs = FcFontList(0, pat, os);


  FcCharSet* cs = FcCharSetCreate();
  int i;
  for(i=0; i<fs->nfont; i++){
    FcCharSet* tmp;
    if (FcPatternGetCharSet(fs->fonts[i], FC_CHARSET, 0, &tmp) != FcResultMatch) {
      goto nofont;
    cs = FcCharSetUnion(cs, tmp);
    printf("%d\n", FcCharSetCount(cs));


 FcPattern* pat1;
 FcFontSet* fs1;
 FcObjectSet* os1;
 if (argc == 1) {
     printf("you have to specify a font family to subtract!\n);
     goto nofont;
 FcChar8* strpat1 = (FcChar8*)argv[1];
 pat1 = FcNameParse(strpat1);
 os1 = FcObjectSetBuild(FC_FAMILY, FC_CHARSET, FC_FILE, (char*)0);
 fs1 = FcFontList(0, pat1, os1);


 FcCharSet* cs1 = FcCharSetCreate();
 for(i=0; i<fs1->nfont; i++){
    if (FcPatternGetCharSet(fs1->fonts[i], FC_CHARSET, 0, &cs1) != FcResultMatch) {
      goto nofont;

 FcCharSet* cs2 = FcCharSetCreate();
 cs2 = FcCharSetIntersect(cs1, cs);

 FcStrBuf buf;
 FcChar8 init_buf[1024];
 FcStrBufInit(&buf, init_buf, sizeof(init_buf));
 if (FcNameUnparseCharSet(&buf, cs) && FcStrBufChar(&buf, '\0')) {
     printf("%s\n", buf.buf);
 } else {
     printf("charset (alloc error).\n");

  return 0;

  return 1;

使用方法:下载 fc-emoji-subtract.patch

git clone https://github.com/freedesktop/fontconfig
patch -p1 < ../fc-emoji-subtract.patch

然后正常编译就可以,之后 fontconfig/fc-emoji-subtract 有一个 fc-emoji-subtract,用法:

 $ fc-emoji-subtract "Noto Sans CJK SC"
 20 23 2a 30-39 a9 ae 203c 2049 2122 2194-2199 24c2 25aa-25ab 25b6 25c0 2600-2603 260e 261d 262f 2640 2642 2660 2663 2665-2666 2668 267b 26a0 26bd-26be 2702 27a1 2934-2935 2b05-2b07 3030 303d 3297 3299 1f170-1f171 1f17e-1f17f 1f18e 1f191-1f19a 1f201-1f202 1f21a 1f22f 1f232-1f23a 1f250-1f251

你就可以针对这些 charset 自己写规则了。


首先,FcConfigSubstitute 删除 charset leaf,如果你是显式的用,就是在 FcListPatternMatchAny阶段,因为 config 里无论你是 assign 还是 assign_replace 都认的。如果你是隐式的用,那就是在 FcFileScanFontConfig 的时候,但是必须用 assign_replace

其次,FcConfigSubstitue 只会做 <match target="pattern">,如果你的第一个参数也就是 config 传 0 会做 <match target="scan">。这是我验证过的。而 <match target="font"> 只会在一个地方做:FcFontRenderPrepare(可以搜 FcMatchFont 查到)。另外 Chromium 的 GetFontRenderParamsFromFcPattern 是没有调用 FcFontRenderPrepare 的,它只会取字体默认的 aa,autohint, embedded_bitmap, hinting 和 rgba。所以你们批评它也没错。

第三,双猫批评的 chromium 只返回一个 Fallback Font 的问题,确实存在,大概是在 ui/gfc/render_text_harfbuzz.cc#RenderTextHarfBuzz::ShapeRuns

const Font& primary_font = font_list().GetPrimaryFont();

// Find fallback fonts for the remaining runs using a worklist algorithm. Try
// to shape the first run by using GetFallbackFont(...) and then try shaping
// other runs with the same font. If the first font can't be shaped, remove it
// and continue with the remaining runs until the worklist is empty. The
// fallback font returned by GetFallbackFont(...) depends on the text of the
// run and the results may differ between runs.
std::vector<internal::TextRunHarfBuzz*> remaining_unshaped_runs;
while (!runs.empty()) {
Font fallback_font(primary_font);
bool fallback_found;
internal::TextRunHarfBuzz* current_run = *runs.begin();
  TRACE_EVENT1("ui", "RenderTextHarfBuzz::GetFallbackFont", "script",
  const base::StringPiece16 run_text(&text[current_run->range.start()],
  fallback_found =
      GetFallbackFont(primary_font, locale_, run_text, &fallback_font);

if (fallback_found) {
  internal::TextRunHarfBuzz::FontParams test_font_params = font_params;
  if (test_font_params.SetRenderParamsOverrideSkiaFaceFromFont(
          fallback_font, fallback_font.GetFontRenderParams()) &&
                           &fallback_fonts_already_tried)) {
    ShapeRunsWithFont(text, test_font_params, &runs);

// Remove the first run if not fully shaped with its associated fallback
// font.
  if (!runs.empty() && runs[0] == current_run) {
if (runs.empty()) {

std::vector<Font> fallback_font_list;
  TRACE_EVENT1("ui", "RenderTextHarfBuzz::GetFallbackFonts", "script",
  fallback_font_list = GetFallbackFonts(primary_font);

// Use a set to track the fallback fonts and avoid duplicate entries.
TRACE_EVENT1("ui", "RenderTextHarfBuzz::ShapeRunsWithFallbackFonts",
           "fonts_count", fallback_font_list.size());

// Try shaping with the fallback fonts.
for (const auto& font : fallback_font_list) {
  std::string font_name = font.GetFontName();

  FontRenderParamsQuery query;
  query.pixel_size = font_params.font_size;
  query.style = font_params.italic ? Font::ITALIC : 0;
  FontRenderParams fallback_render_params = GetFontRenderParams(query, NULL);
  internal::TextRunHarfBuzz::FontParams test_font_params = font_params;
  if (test_font_params.SetRenderParamsOverrideSkiaFaceFromFont(
        font, fallback_render_params) &&
                         &fallback_fonts_already_tried)) {
  ShapeRunsWithFont(text, test_font_params, &runs);
  if (runs.empty()) {
    TRACE_EVENT_INSTANT2("ui", "RenderTextHarfBuzz::FallbackFont",
                       TRACE_EVENT_SCOPE_THREAD, "font_name",
                       "primary_font_name", primary_font.GetFontName());


for (internal::TextRunHarfBuzz*& run : runs) {
  if (run->shape.missing_glyph_count == std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
    run->shape.glyph_count = 0;
    run->shape.width = 0.0f;


如果我没看错的话,它是先 GetFallbackFont 取一个字体,不管用才会 GetFallbackFonts 取全部挨个试。而 GetFallbackFont 我之前后面的代码没贴:

// Try each font in the cache to find the one with the highest coverage.
size_t fewest_missing_glyphs = text.length() + 1;
const FallbackFontEntry* prefered_entry = nullptr;

for (const auto& entry : cache_entry->second) {
  // Validate that every character has a known glyph in the font.
  size_t missing_glyphs = 0;
  size_t matching_glyphs = 0;
  size_t i = 0;
  while (i < text.length()) {
    UChar32 c = 0;
    U16_NEXT(text.data(), i, text.length(), c);
    if (entry.HasGlyphForCharacter(c)) {
    } else {

  if (matching_glyphs > 0 && missing_glyphs < fewest_missing_glyphs) {
    fewest_missing_glyphs = missing_glyphs;
    prefered_entry = &entry;

  // The font has coverage for the given text and is a valid fallback font.
  if (missing_glyphs == 0)

  // No fonts can be used as font fallback.
  if (!prefered_entry)
    return false;

  sk_sp<SkTypeface> typeface = GetSkTypefaceFromPathAndIndex(
      prefered_entry->font_path(), prefered_entry->ttc_index());
  // The file can't be parsed (e.g. corrupt). This font can't be used as a
  // fallback font.
  if (!typeface)
    return false;

  Font fallback_font(PlatformFont::CreateFromSkTypeface(
      typeface, font.GetFontSize(), prefered_entry->font_params()));

  *result = fallback_font;
  return true;

它会针对某段 text 找一个 charset coverage 最高的 font,并不是针对某一个 glyph 找字体,所以就会受到 text 本身的影响。这可能是 google 为了 balance 速度想到的方法吧。

于是这个系列就结束了。也许下一篇会谈谈 FcFontSort